Thursday, November 3, 2011

Show and Tell

I remember a time, in kindergarten, when once a week we were asked to bring something meaningful to us from home and stand in front of the class for a Show and Tell.   I brought such things as: my dog, homemade mittens that Helen, our babysitter made for me, leafs from the backyard, a birds nest from the neighbors tree, potatoes from the garden and, if I remember right, a new spring jacket with the school logo on it.   I loved Show and Tell.   I loved seeing the "stuff" my classmates would bring to class and ogle at each and every possession.  I remember Tom brought a Robin's egg!!! Cool, huh!! 

Why was show and tell so important when we were kids and why did the teachers promoted it on a weekly basis for an entire school year?  Recently, I realized the reason, perhaps. 

Every day and every year of our lives, as we trudge through our mazes, over hills, through dense fog, under water and around the obstacles, we are constantly "Showing and Telling".  But in a form of not just our "things", but also who we are as ourselves.  Showing the world who we are and Telling our stories.  At a job interview or client campaign, we Show our talents and Tell of our experience.  We Show potential friends and lovers who we are by our actions and Tell them what we are with our words describing who we are inside.  We gain wealth and Show off our purchases and we live with what we have modestly and Tell people how it works for us.  Sometimes we get angry and Show ourselves as vulnerable and sometimes we are filled with joy and Tell others how elated we are.   Everyone likes to Show off their talents, even if done so without fanfare, and everyone likes to Tell the stories of their journey through this complicated world, again, without fanfare.  You see, every one of us, no matter where you are in your life, where you're going in your life or where you have been in your life, we all just want to be seen and heard.  All of us, as we walk around each day bumping into each other, both figuratively and literally, just want to Show and Tell, right?  

It is our responsibility to listen to each other and see what is in front of us.  In that time, we have the option of walking away or standing by one another.  When we are shown from someone who they are, observe.  When we are told by someone who they are, listen.  Not all Show and Tell is positive, not all Show and Tell is negative, not all Show and Tell is obvious, but we need to see it and hear it.  When I walk out the door each day, I am ready for Show and Tell.   Some days, of course, I'd rather keep to myself and stay observant rather than exposed.  But most days, I want to be seen and heard as the person I have grown to be open to all the new challenges and people that come my way.   We forget to stop and look and listen so often in life.  I'm as guilty of that as everyone else.  In those times, there are moments that are fleeting that we never are able to capture.  Many great moments have been lost because I haven't taken a breathe and realized what is standing in front of me or running past me.   My favorite moments and lasting impressions have come from stopping to listen and see.  Good and bad, beautiful and ugly..they have been grand moments.  Even when someone thinks they are in control of themselves on every level as not to expose their fears, triumphs, goals and emotions, they still Show and Tell of themselves.  Just see them and hear them.  Its all there.  

As adults, we compress ourselves into hiding behind our faults and vulnerabilities.  We don't Show and Tell fully until we trust fully.   This is most evident with personal relationships. We are also busy which compromises our ability to stop and look and listen completely.  However, we also show our emotions and feelings as we trip through life.  But who is paying attention?  We are up, we are down, we are sideways with life.  Our past provides us with the nutrients to grow into our more authentic self.   If we dismiss our inner feelings and ignore our guts telling, we will miss out on the truth of existence.   If we could all go back to our childhood when Showing and Telling was safe, we could all be more of who we are to everyone who is willing to embrace us.   Life offers us many cross roads and mountains.   But there is never a "No Trespassing" sign at the beginning of the road or the base of the mountain.  We can walk the paths, we can climb the slope or we can just stay stationary and "hope" for the best.  Why not get to the finish line and Show and Tell of ourselves!  Stand on the mountain top and shout.   Someone will listen even if our voice is just a whisper.  And, if you listen and see others for who they truly are, you, in turn, will feel safe in your own Show and Tell.  

I have recently felt as though I have had a Show and Tell of my own where I had given it my all.  I believe I was heard, yet maybe misunderstood.  I was up, down, sideways and inside out.  Yet, I was truthful.  The feeling of revealing your whispers is not an easy expression, yet, if you are true to who you are, what you are, what you want to become, then it doesn't matter what the consequence.  What matters is that you were able to Show and Tell as your authentic self.  For that, you should be proud and unapologetic.   It takes experience and time to understand your own self and more time to understand your often times confusing feelings.  But when you do, life gets easier.  People become more understood.  As children we didn't know from hiding our inner self.   As adults, we know better.   What if we could capture that child's perspective and let it all out?  I think we would be better people to one another.   I will continue to Show and Tell the birds nest of who I am.  For it is that birds nest that twines together everything I am today.